Intero/ Full Price € 3.00
Ridotto/ Reduced € 2.00 (over 65 e Bambini dai 6 ai 12 anni) (over 65 and children from 6 to 12)
Gratuito/Free Entrance
(bambini età inferiore ai 6 anni – Portatori di handicap e accompagnatori)
(children until 6 – persons with disabilities and companion)
Cumulativo/ 2 museums
(Museo d’Arte Sacra della Val d’Arbia e Museo della Mezzadria Senese)
(Museum of Sacred Art of the Arbia Valley and Sienese Sharecropping Museum)
Intero/Full Price € 5.00
Ridotto/ Reduced € 3.00
(over 65 e Bambini dai 6 ai 12 anni) (over 65 and children from 6 to 12)[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]